
Love or Hate Sailor Moon Crystal?

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[00:00:00] Angela: Hey everyone. I’m Angela Lin

[00:00:01] Jesse: And I’m Jesse Lin. And welcome back to another episode of, but where are you really from? This week, we are redoing something we did in the past where we get drunk on the episode. And if you liked it, we’re adding something extra special. This time we’re going to be doing a review of season one episode, one of sailor, moon crystal.

[00:00:23] Jesse: Yes.

[00:00:24] Angela: Yes. What are you drinking? Jesse?

[00:00:28] Jesse: I’m drinking. Whiskey that was in a glass that was formally a candle, which I thought I washed properly, but still tastes like candle. Can we just, can you

[00:00:39] Angela: just explain, why did you think a candle glass would be a good,

[00:00:44] Jesse: okay. Well, because, because they’re like, okay, once you’re done with the candle, you can like take the WIC out and reuse the.

[00:00:52] Jesse: Oh, they

[00:00:52] Angela: literally said that cheat. Yes. Oh,

[00:00:54] Jesse: okay. It’s like, it’s in like the whole, like, you know, like, um, sustainability crap. And I was like, oh, okay, perfect. I’ll reuse it. So, but I don’t know if it’s just cuz this so fragrant that it, it tastes like that. Yeah. Or I don’t know. It’s just, yeah, it was a mistake.

[00:01:11] Jesse: I’ll probably use it to plant something in mistake. Well, you live

[00:01:13] Angela: and you learn Jesse, you live

[00:01:15] Jesse: in your exactly. Yeah. Okay. How many of those do I have?

[00:01:18] Angela: Um, a lifetime of live and life, maybe. I think maybe we all do. We all do and signature me. I’m always drinking a beer. So yeah. Yeah. Whatever I island logger is what it says.

[00:01:31] Angela: Hi Hawaii, AKA island, whatever. Any hose. All right. So why did we decide sailor moon? I think we, so this is us testing out kind of like a newish format. We did get drunk the last time. The last time though, what we did was, um, it was like peak COVID and we did like, guess if it’s a fake or real yeah.

[00:01:52] Angela: Ridiculous. COVID headline. And that was really fun, but we are testing out a new format where we watch content. And get drunk and comment on it or review it. Um, and so we’re just kind of like testing out different essentially like Asian content. Um, so get some representation in there and

[00:02:12] Jesse: also like cooler, Roger and rope.

[00:02:16] Jesse: Eber, Roger

[00:02:17] Angela: EER. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:02:19] Jesse: Whatever those, you know, you know what I’m talking about? Those, those people they’re different. If

[00:02:22] Angela: they’re a nineties kid, you know what that shit is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, and yeah, sailor, moon is something that is super nostalgic for us too, because we definitely grew up watching it.

[00:02:31] Angela: So. I mean, I remember every Saturday, right? Saturday morning cartoons. That was always like one of my shit, but I

[00:02:37] Jesse: watched, I think I only watched it when I was at your house. Cuz you had it on

[00:02:40] Angela: like PHS. Oh yeah. Y’all didn’t have cable. That’s also part of it

[00:02:44] Jesse: knew. Wait, what was it on cart network. I don’t

[00:02:47] Angela: remember actually where I was watching it.

[00:02:50] Angela: Okay. Or, or maybe you’re right. Maybe I only watched it on VHS. Like, did my parents bring it back from Asia

[00:02:55] Jesse: or something? I feel like, I feel like, oh, I feel like

[00:02:58] Angela: interesting. Okay. I don’t know. Well, anyways, grew, grew up watching it as kids. I was like super obsessed. I had a lot of toys. Like I had like figuring I had like sailor, Jupiter, figurine.

[00:03:08] Angela: I had maybe the compact,

[00:03:11] Jesse: but also like I constantly forget cuz we talk about like, we talk a lot. Asian content. And we’re mostly talking about live action stuff that like people are in, but like there was a whole wave of stuff. Cartoon wise. Mm-hmm that has always been really popular that I feel like people forget came from Japan because they dub it.

[00:03:30] Jesse: So then you like, can’t really tell where it originated from. So like Pokemon, sailor, moon, Naruto, like all these like really great enemies that I feel. Are kind of forgotten. Yeah.

[00:03:42] Angela: And actually we were just talking about this because we made just such a big kerfuffle during the squid game episode where we’re like dubs suck and subtitles are way better, but cartoon, well, anime is tough because I, you know, as I’ve gotten older, I do still like, like when Ramona and I watch, um, animated movies from Japan, we do still watch it in Japanese with English subtitles mm-hmm

[00:04:06] Angela: But when I was growing up, I do think we mostly watched dubbed and we didn’t. Like also, we didn’t know there was an option let’s Bero but like, yeah, you were saying earlier, right? Like when we were off cam, but, um, cartoon is harder to even notice the difference because the lips don’t necessarily their mouths are.

[00:04:22] Angela: Yeah. Yeah. So it is what it

[00:04:23] Jesse: is. Yeah. They’re not doing that. It’s not like advanced lip reading. I’m sure. If you ask someone to lipid, it would be like, mom, I’m like there’s no, there’s no. Yeah. Like, I don’t

[00:04:31] Angela: know if you ever watched rhyme on the, you know, that like. Oh, I loved him right. Shouting down.

[00:04:37] Jesse: That was always in Japanese.

[00:04:39] Angela: No dude, because I watched it in Taiwan really. And it was in Chinese and so I always thought it was like a Chinese show that’s but not Japanese. Yeah. That’s right.

[00:04:48] Jesse: So yeah. Yeah. Um, so for those of you who are listening, you should definitely watch this stuff on YouTube because I literally just spilled water all over myself.

[00:04:58] Jesse: and Angela was like, I’m just gonna keep going. I’m not gonna, it’s fine. But I just spilled water all over

[00:05:05] Angela: my and let’s be real. This is like, not a like first time occurrence type thing. Like we’re always doing random shit on camera that you can’t tell if you’re only listening to the audio. But yeah, that’s a good plug is like, if y’all have a notice for the last.

[00:05:20] Angela: 12 episodes or whatever. We started doing YouTube. We started uploading our videos to YouTube. So go there and check it out. If you prefer to see our antics live or quote

[00:05:31] Jesse: unquote, live at home with the two of us in two different homes,

[00:05:37] Angela: our adopted child that lives in a virtually different location than either parent

[00:05:43] Jesse: Um, should we get into it maybe? So, yeah. Sailor moon. I for those of you, I don’t know who, how many people watch Taylor moon, but like preamble for sailor moon. Like basically it’s like kids in middle school who are called to fight evil because their past lives like were like these like warriors and stuff.

[00:06:02] Jesse: Um, and they have

[00:06:03] Angela: magic powers and they’re each, like each one is a different planet except for sailor moon. Who’s the moon.

[00:06:10] Jesse: Who’s the moon. Yeah. And the moon, the moon is like the most powerful planet for some reason. Like, it’s just very strange. We never

[00:06:18] Angela: questioned any of the shit either when we were growing up.

[00:06:21] Angela: So let’s just honor that . But, yeah. Okay. So I think we’re gonna pick apart things that we, we just rewatched. Yeah. Season one episode, one which we talked about is essentially a reboot of the original, like it’s actually plot wise the same as the original. Maybe they tweaked some things, but like pretty much the same.

[00:06:42] Angela: And certain things jumped out at us as we were rewatching it. So I think that’s what we’ll discuss the first of which is that you mentioned that they’re quote unquote kids. This is the most ridiculous thing. Now rewatching it as an adult. I’m like you are full grown woman. Like all of them are drawn, like their fully grown woman with hu you know, like the boobs, the hourglass, like eight.

[00:07:05] Angela: Long legs and like sharp noses and beautiful lashes and all that shit. And I’m like, you’re 14.

[00:07:13] Jesse: Okay. Yeah. And also they all look the same. I mean, like, I feel like I noticed it less in the original series for some reason, but in this. New one. They, they literally all look the same. It could be literally like Tilda, wooden, anime wearing

[00:07:28] Angela: different wigs.

[00:07:28] Angela: Yeah. I think if you actually put every character, like side by side, you would notice that the only thing different it’s, you’re just mixing and matching hair, eye color, and outfit, but like face exactly the same face and body. Exactly the same. Yeah.

[00:07:43] Jesse: Yeah. And so speaking of that, like the hair and the eye color is wild.

[00:07:47] Jesse: Even in the original one, it was wild. Like I was like, none of these people have. Asian people, hair or Asian people, eye color. They all have like weird wacky colored hair. I feel like you, I never questioned the fact that some of them had like blue hair. I was like, oh, work, they just have blue

[00:08:04] Angela: hair. well, yeah, there are like wacky ones, but can we also talk about like, why is the default that they just look white?

[00:08:12] Angela: Like sailor, moon is blonde, so is Venus and then other others, even that are brunette, it’s like very clearly like white people, brunette, not Asian people brunette, but they’re supposed to be in Japan. They’re speaking Japanese. So like, why do we think. All anime really is like defaulting to make the characters look Western.

[00:08:34] Jesse: I don’t know. Do you think it’s like a bad boy thing? Bad boy. Like maybe they’re not actually, like, they’re not actually Western, but they’re, I don’t know. Edgy cuz they have turned clear. I don’t know. Like it’s like Naruto also has blonde hair, but he’s like the, it actually in Naruto, everyone else looks fairly Asian ish, but he’s like the only one he has blonde hair,

[00:08:56] Angela: but.

[00:08:56] Angela: Don’t you think there’s a little bit of, like, I’m not trying to like, make everything about race like that. That’s boring to make everything about race, but like, it is a little bit, yeah, for me, I think it’s a little bit of like, because it’s supposed to be a fantasy, right? Like all it helps them stand out, helps them stand out and like feel, yeah, I guess a little special, like if Naruto is the only white, like whiteish person and everyone else is Asian and he’s a main, he’s a main person, like.

[00:09:22] Angela: don’t you think there’s a little bit of like glorification of like Western. Yeah. You know, blah, blah. It’s just a

[00:09:29] Jesse: little weird. I don’t know if it, it, I don’t know if it necessarily is glorification of it, but it’s more just like, it’s more noticeable or

[00:09:37] Angela: maybe because I said the word fantasy, like maybe it’s because content entertainment is supposed to help you like escape.

[00:09:44] Angela: And maybe if they look too Asian, you know, maybe like it would not help the Japanese audience, which is who this was originally created for, like is escape their day to day enough,

[00:09:56] Jesse: maybe. Well, the things I can’t say about sailor movies, I feel like what I wanted to say was in natu. I can see why they did that for him.

[00:10:04] Jesse: In most of the series, he’s like an outsider. Like literally they’re like, you’re an outsider. Like you’re, you don’t belong here because he’s like the host of this magical creature, that’s like really dangerous. So I can see why they gave him that look because it paints him very clearly as an outsider.

[00:10:22] Jesse: Right. Like he doesn’t look like everybody else either. Um, but for single moon, I kind of, when we watched the first episode, like even her friends look kind of like different. Her mom

[00:10:33] Angela: has purple hair. Yeah.

[00:10:35] Jesse: Yeah, exactly. So like I was gonna say like, oh, maybe it’s because like they wanna make them look a little bit different because they’re aliens.

[00:10:42] Jesse: But

[00:10:42] Angela: no, but they’re not all aliens, like cuz her friends

[00:10:46] Jesse: aren’t. No, no, that’s what I mean. I, I was gonna say like, maybe it’s just a cast, like the, the sailor, the, um, the sailor Scouts, but then I was like, oh, the friends too.

[00:10:57] Angela: Hey, everyone. We love doing this podcast. And if you enjoy our episodes, we would really appreciate if you could support us in any number of ways.

[00:11:06] Angela: First is by subscribing to us, rating us and reviewing us on apple podcasts and iTunes. Second is by telling a friend third is following us on Instagram at where are you from pod. Fourth is supporting us on Mia coffee. You can find out more about all of these by visiting our Instagram’s Lincoln bio. And again, our handle is at where are you from pod?

[00:11:31] Angela: Thank you. Okay, well anyways. Okay. And then going along with like, it’s not just the age thing, but like the thing about like the hourglass figure and like making everyone super like womanly, it kind of, I mean, it’s no surprise that anime or no new revelation that like anime was largely, was originally created by men for men, but I’m just like, can we not like sexualize everything because number.

[00:12:01] Angela: They’re supposed to be 14, but also we were talking about in this episode, one of the like Demonn characters is like straight up face is like sharp teeth, red eyes, like demonic looking. And then her body boobs was busty ass boobs bursting out of her. Dures and I’m like, why, why is this necessary? I feel like

[00:12:22] Jesse: there’s definitely something there where it’s kind of.

[00:12:25] Jesse: Maybe SLU Jamie, where it’s like women and like, nah, sexual things

[00:12:31] Angela: bad, or like the sexual, because she’s evil and sexuality has like a taboo thing to it. Nation different.

[00:12:39] Jesse: Maybe, maybe. I mean, it does get much weirder. Like I’m definitely jumping ahead past this episode, but in the next season when OSA shows up, so like Shea’s, um, sailor, moon and.

[00:12:52] Jesse: Tuxedo mass daughter from the future when they become, uh, king and queen of silver millennium, which is like, blah, blah, blah, whatever, future land, spoiler alert. And she falls up. Yeah, sorry. She falls out of the sky onto sailor moon. So like Sarah moon’s facing tuxedo mass, she falls outta the sky onto sailer, moon kisses, him and they’re and they have like a, it’s like a Mo it’s like a full ten second moment that they’re like showing them kissing.

[00:13:18] Jesse: They are father. And daughter, it is really uncomfortable, uncomfortable, but it’s also it’s. I think it’s Cann to the comics where there’s like this weird, like what’s the electro syndrome. It’s not Utopus

[00:13:31] Angela: the woman. Oh, I don’t know. I didn’t know. There was a term for the it’s

[00:13:34] Jesse: like an edible syndrome, but for the woman, daughter, for the woman, the woman.

[00:13:39] Jesse: Yeah, it was

[00:13:40] Angela: it’s weird. That’s gross, dude. And why? I mean, there are so many of these things, not just in sailor moon, but like when we were kids like cartoon. Again made by adults, but not necessarily all content for, for children, right? Oh yeah. Like there’s so many of these like little things you don’t catch when you’re a kid, cuz you don’t have.

[00:14:02] Angela: That knowledge of like what they were hinting at. So I like, yeah, you noticed that. I definitely did not notice that when I was a child, but also there’s like all this shit, like, well, you didn’t have cable, but I watched a lot of like Nickelodeon and cartoon network growing up and all those cartoons had a lot of like dirty jokes.

[00:14:21] Angela: Oh yeah. And like weird shit going on that none of us caught, well we’re nine or

[00:14:25] Jesse: whatever. Sometimes I feel like it’s for the adults really? It’s like, oh, your, your kid’s watching this. We’re gonna throw ’em some funny stuff. but it’s like a little bit. It definitely is a little bit weird. Yeah. There’s so many things hidden, like, uh, in the us version, sailor uist and sail Neptune were roommates, but in the Japanese version, they’re gay.

[00:14:44] Jesse: Mm. For gay lovers. Yeah. But come on, like sailor, moon thinks sailor uist is a man. Oh, totally. When she first meets, when she first meets meets her. So it’s. Very clearly, you know,

[00:14:56] Angela: I, I’m not sure if I, because we were just saying, like, I don’t remember if I watched the original sailor moon on VHS from Asia or if I watched it on TV, but I feel like, yeah, if I watched it on VHS, it was the Asian version.

[00:15:10] Angela: So because even as a child, I was like, oh, they’re doing it on purpose like that. Yeah. She thinks it’s a man. She has a crush on him. And like you as a viewer kind of have a crush on him, her, like you,

[00:15:22] Jesse: you know, It’s ambiguous at first. Yeah. Yeah. Very

[00:15:25] Angela: ambiguous. And I do remember thinking, like, it was very obvious that they were supposed to be like a yeah.

[00:15:31] Angela: Lesbian. So, yeah, I don’t know. But

[00:15:34] Jesse: anyways, back to their first episode, so they introduced Sam moon. They give her her powers. I mean, really this whole, this whole thing, the evil guys would’ve won. If they just killed Luna, the little cat, like Luna is the instigator of the little cat

[00:15:49] Angela: gave her. That she needed.

[00:15:51] Angela: She gave her her power,

[00:15:53] Jesse: the magical bruise per her transformation phrase. The chance. she turned on the moon somehow by meowing. Well, she got

[00:16:01] Angela: a little moon on her forehead, so, you know, that activates the lunar power of the,

[00:16:07] Jesse: she she’s doing everything.

[00:16:10] Angela: Um, well we love Mona. She’s so cute. We do love Lu. She’s drawn in a way that you have to love her.

[00:16:15] Angela: She’s like super slender. She got huge eyes, a tiny little nose, so cute. Very cute. Oh, what else have you notice? Tuxedo mask. he’s supposed to be in high high school. Yeah. High school. He’s a 35 year old man. Always wearing a Edo. Yeah. In civilian life or. Superhero life. He’s still wearing a tuxedo.

[00:16:39] Jesse: I am very confused because I feel like normally they don’t show him in a tuxedo.

[00:16:43] Jesse: He is wearing very old man clothes. Like normally he’s wearing like slacks, a blazer and like a turtleneck. I’m like what high school dresses?

[00:16:51] Angela: Like this 8 35 year old posing as a high school. Sure.

[00:16:54] Jesse: Well, but, but in this episode, when you first meet him, he’s like in a he’s in his tuxedo mask. Costume. Yeah.

[00:17:02] Jesse: Without the hat and the, the, the actual like gloss,

[00:17:05] Angela: no hat stuff. No masquerade mask, no

[00:17:09] Jesse: Cape, but he’s wearing, he’s wearing the full suit with the little like broach thing. Yeah. So I’m. This isn’t much of a secret identity here, sir. This is lit literally it’s me recycling outfits. When I go to parties, I’m like, this is a cowboy, it’s the same outfit, just with a cowboy hat.

[00:17:25] Jesse: And then I go to the next party morning, a police hat. And I’m like, I’m a police officer. I mean,

[00:17:30] Angela: and again, one more thing where it’s like, unbelievable. We didn’t question these things when we were children. It’s like, who would not have noticed that he’s the same freaking person. Oh yeah. And also even St.

[00:17:40] Angela: Moon with her freaking meatball hair. Like the meatballs yeah. On her head. No one else has that. She has like six feet long hair coming out of those meatballs. and she’s the only one. Did you ever try to do your hairball? Of course I did. Everyone did. Okay. Were you successful? No one. You it’s not possible unless you have super long hair.

[00:18:05] Angela: I had like extensions, you know, little marbles. very much just

[00:18:09] Jesse: like, not possible. I mean, I, I just, I’m curious because it’s a lot of hair. Her hair comes down to like her legs longer,

[00:18:17] Angela: dude. She would be tripping every day. Like the, if that was her actual hair. Yeah. But no, because it’s in an anime it’s like perfectly blowing in the wind.

[00:18:24] Angela: Every time she walks and runs.

[00:18:27] Jesse: Also, I don’t know if you remember this, but like when I rewatch these, I’m like a significant part of the episode is them transforming. And when you have an episode where there are more than one of them transforming, it’s like half the episode because

[00:18:41] Angela: that’s the sexy part because they’re like, it’s close up.

[00:18:45] Angela: It’s their silhouettes, but they’re naked in the silhouettes. And then they’re like being wrapped in ribbons and like you see their hour last figures. This whole

[00:18:57] Jesse: thing. I mean, that’s definitely the different perspective though, as a kid though, because as a kid, I was like, Ooh, this is cool. It’s like flashy, they’re doing stuff they’re changing.

[00:19:05] Jesse: And as an adult, I’m like, this is a 20 minute episode, 10 minutes of Enmar just like them spinning around, like, yeah.

[00:19:12] Angela: Okay. Yeah. And their power is literally activated by saying, make up and then their nails get painted and they’re wrapped in ribbon.

[00:19:23] Jesse: I can’t. Yeah. And her power comes from a bro approach.

[00:19:27] Angela: Yeah. We were talking about that. She didn’t get upgraded to the compact yet, which is her like signature thing. No, no compact. I didn’t even remember that. She only had a broach in the beginning. I thought she always had this compact

[00:19:38] Jesse: thing. I don’t really remember either, honestly. But season one was like really depressing in the original

[00:19:44] Angela: one.

[00:19:44] Angela: I barely remember it honestly.

[00:19:46] Jesse: So I re I rewatched the whole thing, but basically like season one, like they get to the end, they battle the final boss, but everyone dies like in the process. Wow. So SA sailor, moon uses her power to basically like reset everything. Like recar everyone. So then they come back to life and they remember everything, but they also remember that they, oh my God.

[00:20:06] Angela: That’s dark as fuck, dude.

[00:20:08] Jesse: Yeah. Yeah. I was gonna say. If we, like, I don’t think we ever watch it to the end of the series, but it gets really fucked up, like towards the like tail end of the series, like in the last season, which never even made the, in, made it to the us sailor UUs and Neptune, like turn on everyone in the hopes that they could like surprise Ko the like evil end of it.

[00:20:31] Jesse: You know, they were like, they were always like the very extreme, they were like, we’re gonna do things our way. And like, you guys don’t understand, blah, blah, blah. And then they get to the end of it. And they tried to like co the boss. The boss was like, And then they’re like, we failed, we betrayed all of our comrades and we failed,

[00:20:45] Angela: oh my God, I don’t know any of this

[00:20:48] Jesse: because we never watched it.

[00:20:49] Jesse: Okay. Because it was because it was like, it never poured to the us. It’s too dark. It was so like, yeah, it was so extreme. Jesus. Wow. Well, and then remember like, um, queen Neal, the woman who was trapped in the new yard and she was like, I’m obsessed with being beautiful forever. I’m gonna eat everyone’s dreams.

[00:21:08] Jesse: Dark curriculum.

[00:21:09] Angela: Well, as a child, we’re like, yay. yes, work.

[00:21:12] Jesse: You better eat their dreams.

[00:21:16] Angela: make up.

[00:21:21] Angela: I can’t

[00:21:22] Jesse: it’s a lot. Sorry. We keep deviating for the episode. But basically the plot episode is like they introduce them. And when they introduced the, not the main batty, but like the main bat’s sub. Subtenant, whatever. And then it’s like, they create a monster who gives everyone, these jewels, these woman jewels for free, or like at a low price.

[00:21:41] Jesse: And the jewels like suck their

[00:21:43] Angela: life force. They also introduce sailor Venus as this like vigilante character who’s already out there kind of fighting badies but we don’t actually meet her in the episode.

[00:21:53] Jesse: Yes. Yes. Who else do we meet in the

[00:21:56] Angela: episode? No one interests. They preview mercury. At the end, because sailor moon is then tasked by Luna to like gather all the guardians.

[00:22:06] Jesse: It’s a little bit weird too, because like technically the other sailor guardians are supposed to be sailor. Moon’s guardians. Like they’re supposed to be her like bodyguards basically. Right. And Luna’s like, you, you go find all your bodyguards.

[00:22:20] Angela: go find your own

[00:22:21] Jesse: bodyguards. no, basically. I forget that tuxedo mass didn’t do anything.

[00:22:27] Jesse: Normally, you know, Edo, mass in the old series, he would just, he would throw his little like rose down thing. Yeah. Yeah. And it would like just disrupt everyone because probably everyone’s like, why’d you just throw roses at me. Confused. And, and then, but he didn’t even do that.

[00:22:41] Angela: He did, he did nothing. He did nothing.

[00:22:43] Angela: He came after it was over.

[00:22:46] Jesse: he? No, he was, he was there. Wednesday moon showed up, but then he just didn’t do anything. He was just watching and he was like, ho, ho, very interesting. Like

[00:22:56] Angela: entertain me woman. I was like, okay. Like, I can’t

[00:23:02] Jesse: this show. I, I like, um, going back and revisiting stuff like this, cuz I feel like I don’t really remember as a kid mm-hmm and.

[00:23:09] Jesse: We didn’t watch it continuously. So then there are like parts of it that I forgot. Totally.

[00:23:13] Angela: It is also fun to re-watch as an adult, because you do notice all these things that like, you did not notice at a child that was probably inappropriate or like fucking weird, but also I guess we’re, we’re seeing it from a different lens too, of like our age is a different lens and also.

[00:23:29] Angela: Society keeps changing. So like these things about like, I’m noticing I’m like that’s super sexist or like stereotypical, like they’re trying to make a bad stereotype of women being obsessed with jewelry, crazed with like maintaining their youth and blah, blah, blah, Sam. But back then I was like me. Makes sense.

[00:23:46] Angela: Sure. Yeah.

[00:23:48] Jesse: One thing that they set the stage for that’s cannon for sailor moon is that basically she’s a pretty useless person. Like she’s bad at school. She’s very whiny bra. She is just like daydreaming all the time. And. I wanna talk about that because that’s like a very, not Asian, it’s an opposite.

[00:24:07] Jesse: It’s a, you know what I mean? It’s like very opposite. Exactly. She’s like very like, you know, not what I think generally an Asian parent in that time period would want, but

[00:24:17] Angela: you know what, maybe that is on purpose because we’ve said now that this is built to be kind of like a fantasy, right. And it’s like every Asian kid who’s worked with our bones fantasy is to like, be a lazy ass who does not care about like, you relate to that.

[00:24:32] Angela: Because looking back on it now. Yeah. We’re looking at it and we’re like, you’re fucking lazy. You don’t do shit. You take naps, you’re eating all the time. You’re failing your, you know, assignments and we’re looking at it badly. But I do remember as a kid being like, oh, I like her. She’s like, so fucking useless work.

[00:24:50] Angela: She’s like crying all the time. She’s hungry all the time. I don’t know. I think it was the, a. Of like, oh, I, I don’t get to be this person. So it’s kind of nice for a protagonist to be

[00:25:02] Jesse: that person. Yeah. Um, so what did I like about this episode that maybe is a little bit different? Um, I, I like that they made her crying in superpower in

[00:25:11] Angela: this.

[00:25:11] Angela: Oh my God. It was like sonar

[00:25:13] Jesse: yeah. She started crying and it was like shattering glass and it like took down all of the zombified ladies that tried to attack her. The animation is like, honestly, I, you could say it’s

[00:25:26] Angela: better. You said it was better, but I didn’t really notice it being that much better

[00:25:31] Jesse: than 90.

[00:25:31] Jesse: It’s debatable. It’s debate. I mean, like if you go, if you go back and watch the original ones on YouTube, like you can’t watch it bigger than the show. Sure, sure.

[00:25:38] Angela: So like they basically up Rez, it today’s to today’s like screen size,

[00:25:44] Jesse: it? The, the animation does get better in the later seasons, but like, yeah, this, the first season was kind of like rough.

[00:25:50] Jesse: Yeah. I mean, I, I, I don’t really remember much about the original one, but I liked Luna.

[00:25:58] Angela: Cute. I loved Luna. I think for me, what I like the most is just like the nostalgic of it all. Yeah. And like, even though you complained about the transformation being like half of the episode, I loved that part and it’s like, I, I loved it for what it was, but I recognized how ridiculous it is.

[00:26:16] Angela: Like her freaking activation chant is like, So long it’s so long and it’s like something moon, power make up, which like makes no sense. But I was like, once I heard those words, I was like, yes, like, because I remember her saying it when I was a kid and then like it being her, you know, like. 180, because like we just said, she was so freaking lazy and like useless in her day to day.

[00:26:41] Angela: And then suddenly when she says these like ridiculous words, that don’t make any sense, she like becomes a mature kind of mature, like elegant version of her

[00:26:52] Jesse: oh, I know what I’m

[00:26:53] Angela: doing with my life. I, I know how to use my powers. All, all of a sudden, I don’t know. But yeah. So I think just like those weird things that didn’t make any sense and the, the glam.

[00:27:03] Angela: Glam moments were my favorite because it reminded me of when I watched as a kid and what I liked the most that’s fair. Okay. Well, I think that was a good recap of what we noticed and thought was ridiculous and funny and interesting from this episode, uh, let’s move to fortune cookie clothes, cuz we always like to end on a sweet treat.

[00:27:25] Angela: I think we were going to talk about who our favorite character was and why. Um, Jesse.

[00:27:34] Jesse: So I like sailor, Mars BEC well, uh, no, uh,

[00:27:40] Angela: you, why don’t you say both. Okay. You like Mars because of Y XYZ.

[00:27:44] Jesse: Okay. I like sailor Mars because she has powers outside of a sailor scout, you know, she’s like Arine maiden. So she has some like premonition powers, the paper, those like, yeah, the paper tags.

[00:27:58] Jesse: Um, And although, well, we didn’t see any of these, so I’m just gonna say whichever ones. I also liked, um, sailor Pluto, because I don’t know, I just like sail Pluto. She

[00:28:11] Angela: was the prettiest variation of hair and eye color for you.

[00:28:16] Jesse: she just, she seemed like a very cool. And she had a full like staff, which was pretty cool, like animation wise mm-hmm um, and she just seemed very she and, okay.

[00:28:28] Jesse: So she’s part of like those three, like outer sailers, right. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto and outer. The three of them, she seemed like the nicest one. She like, kind of knew what’s going on because like the rest of ’em I feel like when they show up, they’re like, We don’t, we don’t know what’s happening. Like we’re trying to figure stuff out.

[00:28:43] Jesse: She, she shows she’s like, I, I know what’s happening. I know what’s going on.

[00:28:46] Angela: She was the most put together for you. Yeah.

[00:28:48] Jesse: Yeah. She like, she like under, she understood the assignment. She knows she’s doing,

[00:28:52] Angela: she could be on TikTok is what you’re saying. .

[00:28:56] Jesse: Maybe. Oh, and she’s also, she’s also a sci. She’s also a scientist.

[00:28:59] Jesse: Oh, she’s smart. She’s smart. Mm-hmm okay. Fair. Yeah.

[00:29:02] Angela: So I like those. Wait, how old is she supposed to be? That she’s a scientist.

[00:29:06] Jesse: I think she’s like a

[00:29:07] Angela: college research artist. 16. Just kidding. Okay. College.

[00:29:11] Jesse: Okay. No, no. She’s like older. Yeah. She’s older. Yeah. Okay. Okay. They’re also the, yeah, all the outers are older because like Neptune’s a cellist or violinist or something like that.

[00:29:22] Jesse: Yeah. Uranus is. Like a runner, race, car driver, something like that. One of those two things, both of those things, maybe that’s my job.

[00:29:33] Angela: no, I just meant that it was an indicator that she was older, that she was put in a position where you would be like having a crush on, like she had that like yes. Older person energy.

[00:29:45] Jesse: Yeah. Yeah. Like. Dad be. Yeah, even though she, she also looked like she was maybe like 18 at most. They’re not,

[00:29:53] Angela: none of them are that old yeah, I can’t.

[00:29:57] Angela: Okay. Jupiter was my faith. Although, when you said Mars, I was like, actually I did really like Mars because she had. When she was in her, like the temple, you know, um, version of her, I really liked her outfits there. She had those like really pretty gowns and stuff. The shrine Maden outfits. Yeah. Um, but no, I liked Jupiter because she was a badass.

[00:30:15] Angela: She was like the sporty one. And I think it was just like, I resonated with that because it was like, oh, I’m kind of tomboy. Ish too. And she was kind of like that. She was the only one that used a ponytail, you know, like everyone else had her yeah. Their hair down, cuz it’s like typical of a girl as you’d let your long hair grow out and like be the kind of like thing that everyone watches.

[00:30:38] Angela: But if you put your hair up, you’re kind of like, I don’t care. So I was like, I like her because she was not so. A feminine, but then when she turned into sailor, Jupiter, she was still hot. Cuz they were all wearing like those skimpy outfits. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but yeah, so I always liked her and she’s the one that I had a little figurine of from Taiwan.

[00:30:58] Angela: Oh. And I think I got her little like, you know, whatever, they all had little wands I think I got hers.

[00:31:05] Jesse: Oh the, the pen, the transformation pen. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, so yeah, I, I, I also say probably Jupiter is a good honestly. Of all the Scouts. I feel like the only three that have superpowers outside of their transformation.

[00:31:20] Jesse: Mars, she has this tribe meeting stuff. Uh, no. Yeah. Uh, mercury, cuz she’s super smart. Um, and Jupi, she’s like very strong. Even not transformed. Yeah.

[00:31:30] Angela: Yeah. Like not totally useless people is what we’re saying. Exactly. Yeah. Not moon who for some reason is the center of everything, but all she does is cry, eat and sleep.

[00:31:42] Jesse: I don’t know. I don’t remember what sailor Venus is. Like. I don’t think she had a special power outside of,

[00:31:47] Angela: she was just like the force of good. I Don.

[00:31:50] Jesse: So, what does that make the moon like the heart? I don’t know. Self-centered I actually special

[00:31:57] Angela: center of the universe is the moon. This makes zero sense, but okay.

[00:32:02] Angela: Anyway, that was fun.

[00:32:05] Jesse: yeah, I had fun. Me too. Well, listeners, if you enjoyed. Listening to this review episode, if you watch their moon, if you want to tell us what your favorite episode is, your favorite character is please write us in and tell us where you’re or DMS sub on Instagram.

[00:32:24] Angela: Then as we discuss, this is a newish.

[00:32:26] Angela: Format, we are gonna do one more spoil alert of trained to Busan in the, the final episode, before we take a little breaky break. But if you liked this format or if you hated this format, or if you have feedback for how we can improve it, let us know because we’ll tweak it in the upcoming episodes based on if you guys liked it or not.

[00:32:48] Angela: So let us know and come back next week, because like I said, we’ll have the final episode before we take a few weeks off for the. Um, so come back then. And until then, bitches.