
Icebreakers – Get to know us better

Angela Lin 0:09

Jesse Lin 0:11

Angela Lin 0:12
Hello. This is weird for us because this is which is probably very annoying for all of you to hear just now on audio only, but here we go whatever deal with it. Anyways, so yeah, we are really excited to actually be together for the first time since we’ve done this podcast. Yes. Um, and yeah, we’re gonna do something fun today, because we have old listeners, new listeners. But before we do that, life updates.

Full Transcript (Note: Transcribed via AI, may contain errors)

Jesse Lin 0:45
Yes. So I survived COVID as you can see on camera and in audio, and also through many of the episodes that we have been recording.

Angela Lin 0:57
Did you have COVID during some of those episodes?

Jesse Lin 1:00
I did get COVID at some point, I don’t think I was sick while I was recording. So yeah, I was double vaccinated. And then I went out and partied too hard and I got COVID Anyways, but it was okay. The vaccine did what it was supposed to do I just like kind of bad cold feeling. And then it just went away. And I went back to my regular life.

Angela Lin 1:21
Well, I’m happy you’re good now.

Jesse Lin 1:24
Yes, yes. Other life update things not really just been ramping up my 2019 resolution, which is to party more so..

Angela Lin 1:32
2019 resolution?

Jesse Lin 1:33
Well, 2020 was like a wash right? Like why didn’t get to do anything in 2020. So then I went – I told you I went to EDC, which is so much fun. And then afterwards, like the I took off a few days around Halloween and just like partied through the weekend. And now here I am alive.

Angela Lin 1:53
Meanwhile, we forgot to do our intro.

Jesse Lin 1:58
Welcome back to but where are you really from?

Angela Lin 2:02
I’m Angela Lin.

Jesse Lin 2:03
And I’m Jesse Lin.

Angela Lin 2:06
And as you can see, we are professionals. Yes. Yeah. And this is clearly not our first episode.

Jesse Lin 2:12
This is okay, if this is a brand new setup, can we just we just applaud ourselves for the fact that we used like spit in some glue to put this together.

Angela Lin 2:21
You have no idea what the fuck it’s taking right now to make this setup. We got two tripods, we got a webcam. We got a mic. We got another laptop with our outline so many things going on right now.

Jesse Lin 2:32

Angela Lin 2:32
And so if it doesn’t sound as good as usual, I’m sorry. We’re trying new shit.

Jesse Lin 2:37
I think it’ll be fine.

Angela Lin 2:38
I think so.

Jesse Lin 2:39
What are you life updates on your end?

Angela Lin 2:41
Um, life updates, lots of updates. Well, I quit my job. Thank you. Thank you. It was I mean, I’m pleased with how I wrapped it up because I think I can say this. I mean, it doesn’t matter. But yeah, I launched Far Cry 6. If anyone is a gamer, I led that marketing campaign and it was like, killing me for the last six months the amount of work I was doing, but it was very well received. Giancarlo Esposito aka Gus Fring was our villain. And he’s like, prime featured in all our ads, and I’m very pleased with what we came up with. And anyways, I feel good about it. It’s like my last kind of like pride, prideful, proud moment. proud moment of corporate America.

Jesse Lin 3:28
Yeah, good way to exit.

Angela Lin 3:30
Yeah, before I left, so that’s my big life update. And then accordingly, basically, since May, which we have been recording sometimes during that too. But we left San Francisco and we’ve just been nomads this whole time. So we’ve been kind of like hopping city to city. So that’s why I get to be with Jesse right now, is that we’re finally we’re spending a month in New York, and then we’re gonna be hopping around. We’ll be in Europe and then Asia for a lot of next year.

Jesse Lin 3:59
That sounds so exciting. I really wanted to do that. But I have a cat animal cannot like leave to for too many days.

Angela Lin 4:06
Yes. But we’ve discussed that you’ll you’ll I’ll keep you updated on where I’m at. And you can decide when and where.

Jesse Lin 4:12
Oh, yeah!

Angela Lin 4:12
You could hop over to visit yeah!

Unknown Speaker 4:15
Yeah, I just think I want to like also spend more time doing my own traveling as well.

Angela Lin 4:19
Yes, sure.

Jesse Lin 4:21
At some point, but yeah, it’s been good.

Angela Lin 4:24
Good. Well, okay, so like I kind of teed up earlier because also because we’re doing this new format with video which is new for us as well. And we wanted to do a little bit of a kind of like re introducing ourselves getting to know each other for the listeners.

Jesse Lin 4:45
But how well do you guys know us anyways, so..

Angela Lin 4:48
Yes, so we are doing everyone’s favorite thing when you get a new job or you’re at a party

Jesse Lin 4:54
So much fun.

Angela Lin 4:55
Everyone loves this. We’re doing icebreakers

Jesse Lin 4:57
I personally actually I enjoy icebreaker cuz I’m like, I find it really hard to come up with topics to socialize with people about and icebreakers is a format where, like, you can ask their questions already asked for you. So like, no matter how awkward the question is, it’s not like you being awkward. It’s just like, oh, it’s a question that round.

Angela Lin 5:15
I see. Yeah, I am usually not a fan of icebreakers. I feel like we’re in a safe space here. So I’m okay with it. But I usually don’t like them. Because I feel like people are judging you based on your answers. Because a lot of times it’s like, what’s the like, craziest thing you’ve ever done? And then based on your answer, it’s like, oh, you’re lame. Or you’re Oh, that’s respectable.

Jesse Lin 5:40
Fair.That’s fair. Yeah. And it’s like hard in a professional environment. Because you can’t be like, I was on Oh, rager on ton of drugs and I danced for like, 24 hours a year. It’d be like, what’s the craziest thing professionally!

Angela Lin 5:52
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So dunno. But I think we’ll, we’ll have fun today with each other.

Jesse Lin 5:59
Let’s get into it.

Angela Lin 6:00
Let’s do it. Okay, Jesse. You’re up first. Okay. Okay. Imagine you could teleport anywhere. Where would you go right now?

Jesse Lin 6:10
Does it have to be a real place? No. Okay. I think I would, I think I would teleport myself to like Harry Potter land. If I could be a wizard. That would be a lot of fun.

Angela Lin 6:24
Any specific part of Harry Potter’s world

Jesse Lin 6:27
So not England, because it’s cold and dreary, a bit like okay, JK Rowling did not really write much about as far as I’m aware, like other magical places like they are featured sometimes. But I would probably be like, let me go to somewhere in Asia, I think you’ll be really interesting to be…

Angela Lin 6:45
So basically, you just want to be able to teleport into like a wizardry world like a world in which there is actual magic.

Jesse Lin 6:53
Yes. Okay. Yes. I mean, like his growing up a lot of the things that I like reading were like fantasy books with a lot of like magical elements in them. So I think it would be really cool to be in a fantasy land and see how that is.

Angela Lin 7:06
What if you What spell would you want to cast first? Or like power would you want to tap into first?

Jesse Lin 7:14
Oh my gosh that’s so hard? Mmm hmm. I would maybe say it will be really cool to have like, do like a mind reading thing? To be able to read people’s minds. Yeah. Just to see what it’s like?

Angela Lin 7:33
What if you hate it?

Jesse Lin 7:35
Well it’s magic? I’ll just make go away.

Angela Lin 7:36
Oh, the kind that you can like cuz the spell?

Jesse Lin 7:38
Yeah, it’s a spell.

Angela Lin 7:39
Okay. Yeah. Cuz I, I don’t know what TV show or movie or maybe it’s just a recurring power that is tapped into a lot in film and media. But like, yeah, where you can’t control it. And then you’re just like, bombarded with people’s thoughts all the time.

Jesse Lin 7:53
No just temporary.

Angela Lin 7:54
Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Cool. All right. Yeah, go for it. Well, you got to click the button. It generates them.

Jesse Lin 8:02
Oh, I see. Okay. What did you want to be when you grew up? I feel like you kind of have answered this question in the past.

Angela Lin 8:12
Have I?

Jesse Lin 8:13
Well you said you wanted to do A&R right?

Angela Lin 8:14
Yeah, well, I guess I guess when I hear this type of question, I think of like a child kid?

Jesse Lin 8:21
Little kid you.

Angela Lin 8:22
Little kid me had no idea what my options were like, I think I actually did go back to my yearbook from like elementary school and I wrote like that or something because I was just like, animals. I don’t know.

Jesse Lin 8:33
You wrote in your yearbook?

Angela Lin 8:34
No, like in the yearbook, I think for kindergarten or something. They made choose like what we wanted to be

Jesse Lin 8:43
Yeah, they need to do that. As a kid. I remember I have like a thing hanging at home that has my picture. And it’s like, these are the things I like, and like, this is what I want to be.

Angela Lin 8:50
Yeah, although in my mind also separately. Like teleporting myself back to my old childhood times. I’m like, I wanted to be a Sailor Moon character. Like Sailor Jupiter I think she’s that yeah, she’s like the sporty one. Like could kick kick butt Yeah. So yeah, either a real life job that apparently or Sailor Jupiter

Jesse Lin 9:18
Interesting. Yeah. Was but did you have like other hobbies? As a kid?

Angela Lin 9:23
Yeah. No, we just made up shit. Remember? It’s like it’s all your imagination. So I remember just like running around outside and like making up games and like pretending I was like a horse like speeding around or like doing random shit like that. So I know I don’t know. I dunno hhat else? Hobbies as a kid? I mean you’re just playing.

Jesse Lin 9:44
Mm okay, that’s fair.

Angela Lin 9:46
Define hobbies. Like you crafting over here when you’re 10?

Jesse Lin 9:50
No, no, but I do remember I really like sticker collecting. Not that translates into a career, but…that oh here but um,

Angela Lin 9:59
I mean, I drew a lot – I went to drawing classes for like, three years or something,

Jesse Lin 10:05
And you never wanted to be an artiste?

Angela Lin 10:07
You know, I don’t think so. Yeah, it was something that like, I think I have many skills where I’m like, quite above average, but I’m not a master and I don’t have the patience to like put in the hours to become a master.

Jesse Lin 10:23
Yeah. So I feel that very much in many of the things except in the sense that I didn’t even start the things so I’m further away from

Angela Lin 10:31
Well, we all have different talents. Okay, let’s see what yours is. Okay. Would you go in the mothership with aliens if they landed on Earth tomorrow?

Jesse Lin 10:45
Oh my god. That’s so random.

Angela Lin 10:46
I love this – wait these icebreakers I would love if they were in a real party.

Jesse Lin 10:51
Okay, I need to ask some clarifying questions. Are they hot aliens?

Angela Lin 10:55
They can be you can imagine the aliens however you want to imagine them.

Jesse Lin 10:58
Okay, they all look like they all look like Captain America. Okay, okay. Are they trying like will they murder me if I go with them?

Angela Lin 11:09
¢You don’t know. You have to make that risk assessment yourself.

Jesse Lin 11:17
I think I would go if they all look like Captain America.

Angela Lin 11:20
What if they look like the generic alien that…

Jesse Lin 11:22
I would not go. Because Okay, here’s my thought. Is that like, the aliens are here. So if they kill me, it means you’re going to kill everyone anyways. Yeah, right. So I might as well be the first person killed and be surrounded by really hot Captain America’s rather than the last person killed and potentially not be surrounded by hot Captain America’s. If it’s just a regular alien, no. In reality, but like I probably the real answer is I wouldn’t, because I I’m a very risk averse person. So probably like, I’m not going like…

Angela Lin 12:01
I mean, the real answer is that you’d have no choice and they would take you if they wanted to take you.

Jesse Lin 12:05
That’s true wow.

Angela Lin 12:08
Like it’s a fun question. But realistically, if aliens wanted your ass, they’d take you.

Jesse Lin 12:14
But why would they want my ass

Angela Lin 12:15

Jesse Lin 12:17
Why not experiment on Captain America?

Angela Lin 12:19
They could choose anyone they had their you know their sights on you.

Jesse Lin 12:23
Okay. I’m feel very privileged and blessed to be number one

Pick any band to play at your funeral.

Angela Lin 12:34
Oh my god wait this is such a short question. But my thoughts went so many places until funeral that’s depressing. But I guess we’ve talked about this before a little bit. Yeah, funeral we would prefer becomes more like a celebration of life as opposed to a sad

Jesse Lin 13:27
Like a New Orleans funeral.

Angela Lin 13:29
Sure. Yeah. Hmm. Interesting. Band to play at my funeral.

Jesse Lin 13:40
Your high school marching band?

Angela Lin 13:42
God no. Absolutely not. I mean, I’m just thinking like, what’s a groovin? You know what? Recently we were at a restaurant and Frank Ocean’s whole album from like, 2000.

Jesse Lin 13:56

Angela Lin 13:57
No, the old one.

Jesse Lin 13:59
Channel orange.

Angela Lin 13:59
Yeah, I was playing like the entire album. I was like, I forgot how amazing Frank Ocean was. He’s got like, he’s got beats and the capability to tap into like sad stuff. And he’s so smooth – maybe Frank Ocean?

Jesse Lin 14:14
Is Frank Ocean a band though?

Angela Lin 14:15
Can’t he be a band?

Jesse Lin 14:16
I guess he could come with the band.

Angela Lin 14:18
He would have a backup band. Okay, okay, that’s my answer. Okay. It’s not gonna be fucking like, Coldplay or anything.

Jesse Lin 14:24
And would you ask him to perform things off of his album or you’d ask him to perform like specific songs?

Angela Lin 14:29
Well, I’d be dead so I wouldn’t be able to…

Jesse Lin 14:32
You have to write it in your your thing. You’d be like Frank Ocean’s coming, this is the set list.

Angela Lin 14:37
He can freestyle, based on what the mood is, you know, or where he wants to take the mood of the room.

Unknown Speaker 14:44
So like, a beats and melody, My Heart Will Go On?

Angela Lin 14:47
Sure. Yeah. Oh, that might be good. I would. I could lean into that.

Jesse Lin 14:55
Pull out your phone.

Angela Lin 14:56
No we can’t do that.

Jesse Lin 14:57
Do you know what your most used emoji is off the top of your head?

Angela Lin 15:00
Oh, my most used emoji, no, I use many, but I’ll give you the the ones I like use over and over again. I use the side I cuz that’s me

Jesse Lin 15:11
Like the eye?

Angela Lin 15:12
No no no the side eye where it’s like..

Jesse Lin 15:14
Oh yes, yes, yes, yes.

Angela Lin 15:16
You know. Yeah, that one I use a lot. I use I feel like I use fire a lot. Um, I use that one where he’s going like this with a hand like…

Jesse Lin 15:29
Did you know that that’s supposed to be a hug?

Angela Lin 15:31
No, I didn’t know, that doesn’t look like a hug at all.

Jesse Lin 15:37
It does not

Angela Lin 15:37
He looks like a mischievous little bastard that did something to fuck you up.

Jesse Lin 15:41
Like a clown

Angela Lin 15:42
Yeah, yeah, I use that a lot. Oh, and then the upside down. Smiley. I think it represents a lot without saying anything.

Jesse Lin 15:52
The upside down smiley?

Angela Lin 15:54
Oh, yeah. Use it in many instances. If you could live in any country, which country would you pick?

Jesse Lin 16:04
Oh, man. It’s hard. Like, though most realistic answer is that it will I think it would be very hard to leave the states because my family is here. My friend is here. My professional network is here. And also like, to reorient yourself to a completely different culture and like different ways of doing things I think would be really hard to do. But I would say probably the most realistic country that I could imagine myself moving to in the near term is like Taiwan, because I have the passport.

Angela Lin 16:40
Oh you got it? Nice. Congrats!

Jesse Lin 16:42
I have the passport. I have family there. Like I can kind of speak the language. It’s cheap. So from I don’t know, just like a purely practical standpoint, if I wanted to leave that would probably make the most sense.

Angela Lin 17:00
What about fantasy world version?

Unknown Speaker 17:03
Well, okay, so if you ask like introvert me, I will be like, I’m going to move to like the South Pole, like a science research station. Because that sounds like really fucking weird. And I’m gonna be stuck inside all the time. But it’s like snowing and beautiful and like, wasteland kind of thing. And then if you’re talking to, like, extrovert me, probably the most. I would probably move to Berlin. There’s lots of partying. There’s a lot of young people there. And there’s a lot of kind of different kinds of people there too. Because I remember the last time I went, we we got drinks with these guys on like a riverboat. And they’re like, yeah, we’re like refugees from like, Lebanon or so. Well, I want to like open so cool. Like it’s really nice to meet you and like hang out they were like very much integrated into like German society like pretty westernized at that point.

Angela Lin 17:56
I think Germany tries really hard to integrate their immigrants.

Jesse Lin 18:00
So but it was cool because you got to like there are a lot of different different groups of like young people there.

What is your go to TV show to watch at night?

Angela Lin 18:11
Um, I don’t have a go to we switch shows Ramon and I switch shows every night like we don’t do repeats at night. That like the question is asking at night, right? Versus like, what’s a go to TV show? Just in general? Yeah. If it’s like go to like, I’m just getting ready. And it’s background noise. How I Met Your Mother is my show because I’ve watched I rewatch the series like three times in Yeah, it’s fine. I feel like there was like a friends versus How I Met Your Mother divide. And I was never in the friends camp. Sorry. Um, so yeah, How I Met Your Mother in the background, but at night. We have been on a K drama binge. Like we just keep switching. Okay, like when we finish one k-drama we go to the next. So we are currently watching Hometown Cha Cha Cha.

Jesse Lin 19:01
What a good name.

Angela Lin 19:03
It’s a great name. I think in the past, I’ve plugged Startup to you, but you never watched it.

Jesse Lin 19:09
I haven’t watched any k-drama, it’s not high on my…

Angela Lin 19:13
I think they were never high on my list. And then I watched one and Startup actually was like my first real like a drama. And then I got hooked after like two or three episodes, and then it’s just like, okay, but in Startup, basically the like, repeating recipe of every Korean drama is that there’s like a lead girl, okay. And then there’s two guys like it’s always a love triangle. There’s always a love triangle. And they always call the like, there’s like the leads. So that’s the main guy, the main girl and then there’s the second lead is what they call the like the second dude who doesn’t end up with a girl in the end, who’s in the triangle. And in start up, there’s a character who is the actor that’s now in Hometown Cha Cha Cha. And he was so he got so popular in Startup because he was a second lead. So he got gypped as fuck. He’s way more interesting way better looking way everything better than the main lead. But she chose me lead in the end.

Jesse Lin 20:17
So that’s so much that’s so real life.

Angela Lin 20:19
It is real life right? Anyway, so then everyone on the internet loves him. So then they finally gave him his own now he’s the lead in Hometown Cha Cha Cha.

Jesse Lin 20:29
Ah, so interesting. Now, can I ask is there a k-drama where the love triangle is like a man choosing between a lady and a man?

Angela Lin 20:37
Actually, there is, I think I overgeneralize. It’s usually it’s a love triangle of some sort whether the main is a man or a woman. Okay, there’s two of the other gender. Because yes, one of our favorite ones is Itaewon class, which I know you saw briefly on Netflix, and that’s a guy lead with two girls vying for him. Yeah.

Oh, well, why?

Jesse Lin 21:04
No, I want like a guy. Oh, where a guy’s after him and a girl is also after him.

Angela Lin 21:09
Ooo progressive? Probably. I feel like there gotta be at least one.

Jesse Lin 21:14
I think that would be more interesting.

Angela Lin 21:17
I think that would be pretty interesting. Yeah. Let’s search for it. Imagine you can instantly learn any language, which would you choose?

Jesse Lin 21:28

Angela Lin 21:31
You just mean you would be like, perfect at Mandarin because you can already speak.

Jesse Lin 21:34
Yeah. Yeah. Like I can. I would like I can read I can write like, perfect.

Angela Lin 21:39
That’s a big feat.

Jesse Lin 21:41
Because honestly, like, I just think it’ll be the most useful, like communicating with my family. And also, like, in theory, my odds of using it are higher, because it’s like, one in seven people are Chinese. And also, like, you know, going out in the city and ordering food, like, it’s nice when you can actually say what it is rather than be like, that or this. So, you know, they, the servers are like, okay, cool. Like, it’s fine, but you’re kind of like sorry

What is the strangest food you have ever tried? And would you eat it again?

Angela Lin 22:21
I feel like as Asian people, we’ve tried many things that Western culture would deem weird, but maybe isn’t that weird, like Top of Mind quick answers like intestines, right? But like, or like stomach lining, you know, tripe, essentially, and so many Asian things, and I like it, but could be weird, I guess strange in Western culture. But I’m trying to think if there’s something even weirder, that’s like, objectively weird.

Jesse Lin 22:49
Have you eaten, like, insects.

Angela Lin 22:51

Jesse Lin 22:52

Angela Lin 22:53
No, I haven’t eaten any of that stuff.

Jesse Lin 22:56
Any weird kinds of meat?

Angela Lin 22:59
I’ve got to right? Like, that’s what I’m trying to think about. I think I have eaten..

Jesse Lin 23:06

Angela Lin 23:07
Quail’s not weird that’s just a bird.

Jesse Lin 23:10
It sounds weird.

Angela Lin 23:12
It’s just like a prettier pigeon. Um, I feel like I ate – I ate alligators something when I was in New Orleans, and then I, you know, something that they eat down south that I find really weird that I did eat but I was like, blergh, I don’t like this is brains. Like because they call it sweet breads. Right? Sweet bread.

Jesse Lin 23:39
Is it sweet bread or sweet meat?

Angela Lin 23:42
I think. Yeah. And it’s it’s brain that they deep fry.

Jesse Lin 23:45
Whose brains?

Angela Lin 23:47
Like a cow or something?

Jesse Lin 23:50

Angela Lin 23:50
I know. But it’s like, yeah, so maybe that. I mean, I find it weird.

Jesse Lin 23:55
That’s gross. Like I just your brain is just a giant vat of fat. So that doesn’t sound very appetizing. Just fried fried lard, basically.

Angela Lin 24:03
Yes. And I don’t like that texture to begin with me though. And I think I also had brain a different time to like, it was like part of a meal where they have like a little bit of it. And I was like blergh.

Jesse Lin 24:19
Also, every time I eat something like that, I’m like, there’s probably like fucking some kind of disease in this thing.

Angela Lin 24:27
I don’t think that if I’m eating into like a really high, high end kind of place because they would be out of business if they like didn’t properly clean things

Jesse Lin 24:37
It only takes one.

Angela Lin 24:38
I mean, you’re not wrong. You’re not wrong.

Jesse Lin 24:40
Well, sometimes it’s just like, it’s not that it’s not probably cleaned. It’s just like, the meat itself is contaminated. Or something.

Angela Lin 24:47
I see. Yeah. Okay, well, anyways, brain.

Jesse Lin 24:50
On that note, on that note.

Angela Lin 24:53
Hope you guys got to know us a little better through this weird icebreaker. These are weirder questions than I thought were going to come up. I thought it was gonna be like…

Jesse Lin 25:01
What’s your favorite color?

Angela Lin 25:03
What’s your favorite animal? What are you most proud of? That kind of stuff.

Jesse Lin 25:08
What am I most proud of good god…

Angela Lin 25:10
We can do about another time maybe? Yes. Okay. Well, closing out. I think fortune cookie or sweet treat that we always end on.

Jesse Lin 25:19
Not fried brains.

Angela Lin 25:21
No no brains today just a fortune cookie. We were going to say what is the most surprising or fun thing I guess we learned about each other?

Jesse Lin 25:32
What was the most surprising or fun thing

Angela Lin 25:36
That we learned about each other through this.

Jesse Lin 25:38
That you watch K dramas every night. I mean, like, I kind of knew that, but I didn’t fully know. And not that it’s surprising. Because you you did you you did watch like Asian dramas a lot. But I don’t see that immediate like Angela k-drama mix.

Angela Lin 25:58
Sure. Yeah, it’s not an obvious combo. I agree. I agree. It’s, for me it was that you said that you would choose to work in an observatory in the south pole by yourself.

Jesse Lin 26:11
I think that’s fun.

Angela Lin 26:12
I mean, yeah, but because you have this other side where it’s very extroverted party party, you need people. So that was surprising to me, because it sounded very, like so low.

Jesse Lin 26:21
Well I’d bring everyone down to party.

Angela Lin 26:24
Oh, well, that’s different. Okay.

Jesse Lin 26:26
No, I mean, we’ll see. Yeah. Okay, looks party.

Angela Lin 26:30
Well, anyways, we always learned thinking about each other, even though we’ve been friends for 1 million years. Well, this was, as we mentioned, a very experimental first episode back video, different setup, different format, all that kind of stuff. So we would be very interested to hear from all of you feedback on if you like this format, if you like that we’re in video if you like that you get to see us kind of more casually with each other. Or if there’s anything else that like topic wise or format wise, you’d be interested in seeing from us in the future. You can email us at the “you’re” is “y o u r e”

Jesse Lin 27:15
And tell us what’s the most interesting question you felt like was connected to each of us. You’re like, oh my god, that’s so weird that Angela or Jesse is interested in that. I want to know.

Angela Lin 27:26
Yes. Or send us your random icebreaker question that you’d like to hear our answer to.

Jesse Lin 27:34
Well, as always, there will be another episode for you guys next week.