
Having an Soul Experience Beyond Your Life

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00:00:00] Angela Lin: Hey everyone. I’m Angela Lin.

[00:00:01] Jesse Lin: And I’m Jesse Lin, and welcome back to another episode of Beau. Where are you really from? This week we’re doing a follow up discussion with Angela about past life regression since she’s gone back and done another session with the same. Therapist, would you say? Is that the right term?

Yeah, she’s a hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapist. And in, I think in the hopes of like deepening your understanding of like your past lives, right? To get further on

[00:00:29] Angela Lin: it. No. So it’s actually a completely different kind of regression.

[00:00:33] Jesse Lin: So there’s your first question. What kind of experience was.

[00:00:38] Angela Lin: Yeah, so this is actually something called Life Between Lives Regression, and if you’ve listened to any of our past episodes about spirituality or my past life regression that I did a few months back, you’ve heard me talk about this.

Um, other regression type that you can choose to do is life between lives, which. When you are then brought back into your state of being a soul and in that like soul world with the main objectives of asking any questions you have for. , what he calls the Council of Elders. So essentially they’re just much like in all the movies you’ve ever watched, right?

There’s always some like scandal of Yeah, but like a group of ’em, right? Like a bunch of old guys who know like a bunch of shit. Um, and so in the, in his book, Essentially the, like there’s some like highest power that if you wanna call it God, great if you don’t wanna call that, call it whatever you want.

But then beneath them is kind of like the, the only ones you can like directly interact with are these like council of elders. And so they’re like the most advanced souls you could interact with. And they kind of like govern over everyone’s development and. Give guidance and also kind of like feedback when you come back from a life of like, Hmm, let’s talk about that.

Like, what did you not do so hot at? What can you continue to do? Um, and so this one is like, You are regressed into that state of being soul. So like body lists. Um, and you are largely gonna be in front of your council of elders to ask specific questions about like, things you have in your life now. For example, like if you feel like you’re at a crossroads, it’s honestly actually a lot of stuff you can ask in your psychedelic journeys.

Like if you’ve ever done a psych, you know, you’re like, what’s going on with

[00:02:35] Jesse Lin: my career? Like, what is the meaning of my life?

[00:02:38] Angela Lin: Yeah. Really? Yeah. Per, what’s your purpose in this life, blah. Those kinds of things. So you come in. Sorry, maybe this is already going into like some questions you might have teed up, but, um, the prep work for this as opposed to the past life regression was, uh, basically she was like, come with 10 questions that you have for the council of elders, uh, or that you generally wanna have answered.

Um, and then come with a list of 10 people who have like, had. Big influence in your life or like continue to have a big influence in your life, and we’ll kind of like poke around for what we can find out about that. So yeah, it’s not the same as I did last time. It’s a, it’s a different

[00:03:19] Jesse Lin: thing. Yes. Thank you for reminding me Mai, for forgetting.

It has been a very amazingly stressful day, but, uh, spicy questions, spicy question number one, after your first experience. What was you like? What did you think was the thing that you were sent back to work on before you even

[00:03:43] Angela Lin: had this session? Um, well, okay, so I’ll be honest, I booked this a long time ago.

Like I booked it shortly after I did the past life regression mostly because this woman that I worked with is like super popular and like booked out months in advance. So I was like, I know I wanna like try this so I better just like book it. Um, so I booked it like over. Months or whatever in, in advance.

Um, and so I didn’t know necessarily like what I would want to ask yet. Um, and, and then I wrote my questions like two days before I did the thing. Um, but it, it’s similar to a psychedelic journey. So I, in that sense, I did come with like, you know, I’ve had some blockages around like, is this podcast thing like really what I’m supposed to like continue doing or do I have like other things because especially.

Life is hard, right? You have like ups and downs. You come up with roadblocks and you’re kinda like, is this the path that I’m supposed to be on anymore? You know? So I just had a lot of those kinds of questions and also like, yeah, we’re, we’re on the cusp of like moving into the next phase of our lives of like our last leg of digital nomad life before settling down and all that.

So it was just a lot of kind of like, am I on the right path? Are there things I should be paying attention to more? Or like spending less energy on that kind of, .

[00:05:05] Jesse Lin: Got it. So you, I guess for me, like when you first described it, I had this idea of like, oh, you were sent on the earth to reorient yourself around this one specific thing you had difficulty with.

And what you’re saying is you have kind of like more than one thing that you’re trying to like figure out.

[00:05:26] Angela Lin: Well, so we’re all complex, right? So I think you probably. . I don’t think it’s as simple as saying like, the only reason you incarnated in this life was to like learn to not be greedy or whatever.

Right. But like, maybe that has been your biggest challenge in all of your lives is like you’re obsessed with money or something. Right. Um, doesn’t mean it’s the only thing you have to work on, but I did bring. A question of like, what is the, I think I asked like, what is the challenge that I’ve struggled with over like many lives and like maybe I’m still struggling with, um, and I think I asked like, or in my set of questions, right?

Because I can’t remember what order these came up in the actual session, but I also had like, how am I doing and like learning my lessons that I set out for myself and, and those kinds of things. So, um, I. Usually you have more than one thing you set out for in a life. But yeah, there are probably like loud lessons that like are recurring.

[00:06:30] Jesse Lin: Got it, got it. Yeah, I was just like thematic. I was wondering if like of the things you wanted to work on, if it seemed like there was something thematically coming up or that like tied everything together, but it sounds like there are a couple d.

[00:06:46] Angela Lin: Yeah. I think for me also, it wasn’t that I was like, oh, I know this is like my biggest challenge and how do I get over it?

It was more like, I have some blockages here read like regarding career identity stuff, but in terms of like purpose in life or like lessons, what am I just like blind to some of these things? So it wasn’t that I was like, I feel challenged with this. Please confirm. It was more. What, what am I missing? Or like, maybe I’m not paying attention.

Yeah, there’s some,

[00:07:14] Jesse Lin: some like discovery aspect to it. Got it. So as it relates to the session itself, because you mentioned that there’s some pre-work involved, how much did you know about what this experience was gonna be like before you entered it? So like, did, did you have a different expectation than how the experience was?

Did you have no expectations compared to how the experience was? How did, how does

[00:07:35] Angela Lin: that kind of. . Um, I think similar to the past life regression, there is like very few surprises that your hypnotherapist is trying to like present you. I think they always want you to be like, as mentally prepared as possible.

So, um, One of the main homework she had me do was watch an actual Life Between Lives Session. So the, uh, Michael Newton, I mentioned this a couple times, but he founded an institute when he was still alive to teach people to like certify people in his specific method of hypnosis. Um, and so the institute recorded one session where they like, they.

Did a session in front of like all the people kind of training so that they could see what it was like, and then they recorded it so that people couldn’t watch it on YouTube. So, uh, the homework was to watch it. It was like a two hour long video. Um, but you see like exactly what’s gonna happen and every.

Therapist is different, right? Slightly. So like, I would say the bones were the same, but like her specific, my woman’s specific method of like getting me to relax wasn’t exactly the words he said, right? Because they just, they have different techniques. So it’s more like he said, imagine. You know, your favorite place.

And she said, imagine a meadow. You know, like other, they’re just like slight differences, but kind of like the structure was the same. So I, I knew pretty well what was going to happen.

[00:09:09] Jesse Lin: Got it. So between the last experience and this experience was, Did you feel like because you did the original experience, even though you’re kind of like you’re given a lot of prep work, you felt a lot more comfortable doing the SEC second experience, or you There was no real impact of doing this first past life regression on this life between lives regression.

[00:09:31] Angela Lin: Um, I think there was an impact. I mean, it definitely is helpful to have done the first one and it’s actually per requisite with, with her at least. And I assume with most people who do this kind of work, um, to have done at least one past life regression because it’s, it’s easier, I feel like, understand kind of the state that you’re trying to get into and also less shocking, I think to you when you like, are regressed into those.

States. Um, but I will say that day I made a horrible mistake and I had way too much caffeine. Um, and I drank it really early, but it was like a nitro cold brew or something at like 11:00 AM and so I was still pretty wired. And also it was like mixed up with like caffeine wired and like anxious, right?

Like excited, but also nervous and those kinds of feelings. So for me, actually the hardest part was like, it wasn’t that I. Didn’t think it was gonna work in terms of like her method. It was more me like trying to shut my own mind off being like, bitch, shut up. Like this is your fault that you drank so much caffeine.

You need to chill. Because hypnosis really at the end of the day, is just. Relaxation. So like if you can’t get your body to relax your mind and your body to relax, you can’t be hypnotized. So I was like, fuck, come on, .

[00:10:52] Jesse Lin: And, and also correct me if I’m wrong, but your original session you did in person, right?

And this one was over Zoom. So was there, was there any particular challenges around that?

[00:11:02] Angela Lin: Um, yeah, mostly controlling my own environment. Mm-hmm. , I think it’s easier when you go in person because she has a special office that she has set up, so she had like really great acoustics where it was like she had like really, you know, calming background music.

Yeah. She was able to like shut off all the lights. She had this like really comfy, lazy boy and. She was right next to me, so like literally all I heard was her voice. Versus here it was hard because I’m staying with my parents right now while we are like, in between Asia, you know, spots. And so I was like, uh, I’m gonna be in this call or whatever.

I, you know, it’s too hard to explain, but I was like, I, I’m gonna be, I’m need you to be quiet for like three hours. And they’re like, okay, but you know, not possible to actually be quiet. So I kept hearing. You know, shuffle feet, shuffling, like doors closing and like blah, blah, blah. And then I had to keep reminding myself like, that stuff doesn’t matter.

You need to just like, focus on the, the thing you’re actually here to do. Um, so yeah, I think. , it’s, it worked a lot better than I thought it was going to, given that it’s remote and zoom. Uh, because I was really skeptical when, at first, even for the past life regression, she wanted to do it over Zoom. And I was like, I haven’t even met you yet.

I’d rather do this in person. Um, but now that we hadn’t met that first time, you know, I feel rapport with her and then it does work. It’s just like, yeah, it’s based on if you can control your environment well enough or not.

[00:12:28] Jesse Lin: Got it. Okay, cool. I think we’ve like, I’ve asked a lot of questions around just kind of like studying the setting of like what the session is like and just the logistics around it.

Do you want to just describe the experience for us, because I’m sure it’s quite different from the past life one, right? It’s like a completely different kind of thing. You’re experiencing different entities that are not a story of.

[00:12:52] Angela Lin: Yeah. Um, and if 15 minutes in or whatever, by the time we edit this, you have not like been turned off by the woowoo spiritualness of all this.

It’s only gonna get like, even deeper. So if this is not your cup tea, just like, shut this shit off because you’re not gonna enjoy this

[00:13:09] Jesse Lin: episode. Get in, get in loser. We’re going loo shopping.

[00:13:13] Angela Lin: That’s right. . Um, okay, so the first, and again, because I have a, I had my, um, eye mask on, so I don’t actually know how much time was passing, but just based on kind of like sense, it felt like the first 30 to 45 minutes, still similar to the past life regression was just getting me relaxed enough.

So it was a lot of kind of like visualizations. Similar to past life of like, yeah. Or to her thing that she was doing was like, imagine you’re in like this beautiful meadow and like you’re under the trees. You feel the warm sun. You know, typical things to get you to like just relax and then like go deeper and deeper with each visualization.

Um, , then the structure gets a little wild. If you are not, um, if you haven’t read the book and you, you don’t know what to expect, she explains all this before you start doing it, but like still it happens. Um, so eventually the first step is you start regressing in age. So then you start visuals like visualizing that you are a younger self.

Oh, so like you are going Benjamin Button. Yeah, you’re Brad Pitt. Um, no, there’s like a set of staircase. There’s a staircase and set of steps and with each like step, you’re kind of regressing one year and then she ha and getting like more and more relaxed is, is kind of how she frames it. I’m very curious

[00:14:39] Jesse Lin: though, is the staircase

[00:14:40] Angela Lin: going up or down?

Uh, down. . Yeah. And so then, um, the first stop she happened to be made was 12 years old. And then she was like, um, you’re gonna be able to go into a memory like very easily at 12 years old. What do you see? And at first I was like, man, am I still caffeinated up here because I’m not sure this is coming as easily as like, I think it should.

But eventually I did have a memory come up. And I don’t think that’s part, we can just, I’m going through the structure, right? So, okay. 12 years old, and then go through that memory. Great. And then she’s like, okay, back to the stairs. And then the next stop is, She said somewhere between like five to six years old.

And what memory do you have there? And then once you experience that, then she’s like, okay, back to the staircase. This is where’s getting wild. Um, then you, like at the, I think she said once you hit the last step, you’re going to regress into the womb. So like, you’re gonna be like in your mother’s womb.

And actually this sounds like kind of crazy, right? But all of this sounds kind of crazy if you’re like, not. Open minded about the spiritual stuff. But if you remember, if all y’all who watched Bling Empire, remember this, the first season of Bling Empire, the last episode, because Kevin’s story arc from the first season was about finding his birth parents, and he did a hypnosis, and it wasn’t even past life regression.

It was just like normal hypnosis, and they regressed him to the womb. And he could feel that his mother didn’t wanna have him and that it like helped him with his trauma. So anyways, I’m just learning that out there, that this womb regression thing is like, not just for past life and soul discovery type stuff, because even they did that in like normal hypnosis or whatever.

Um, so yeah, anyways, so then it’s a womb and then you kinda like explore any feelings and whatever that you have there. And then from there you go through a tunnel. You imagine that you’re going through a tunnel, and once you reach the end of that tunnel, you come out into the last life you had and the death scene of that life because.

So it’s not the same as the past life regression where you’re kind of like poking around in that past life and trying to like learn things about that past life. This death scene is actually just your vehicle to get into the spirit world, the soul world, because when you leave your body, you, that is when you like go back to the soul world.

So she had me visualize like my last life. Last significant life and then that death scene. Oh,

[00:17:25] Jesse Lin: interesting. So you kinda have to go like backwards to go forwards in a sense. Hmm.


[00:17:30] Angela Lin: Hmm. Yeah. Okay. Because theoretically like the last time I was in the soul world was before this life, right? Mm-hmm. , because I’m currently incarnating in this one.

So the only way to like get into that state is to go back into the last time I was in it. Okay.

[00:17:46] Jesse Lin: So now I’m really interested about cuz like, does that mean your interaction with your as sole counsel? Does that mean your interaction with your sole counsel occurs at a different point in time or it is still present?

This is where I’m like, Ooh, like is this like a thing where it’s like it happened before? Because you know where everything is in time technically. .

[00:18:11] Angela Lin: Well, this is, um, one of those where you have to just really embrace that time is relative and that it’s all happening at the same time. Because if you think of it too hard linearly, then you’re like, this doesn’t make sense because.

Is not in past in terms of when I’m talking to the council of elders like now. So, but yes, I’m like going back linearly into a past life, into the last time I was in my sole state in order to enter the sole world. But then once I’m there, any questions and encounters I have are as like my present self and present, like mental state.

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[00:19:26] Jesse Lin: Okay. Very interesting. In your interaction with your Soul Council, what would you say are, I’m actually just very curious. What is like, is there a visual of the environment? Like what does everyone look like?

What did the sole council look?

[00:19:41] Angela Lin: Yeah, it’s kind of wild because there are certain things where you’re like, am I just being influenced by like what I read or like what I see in movies and then other stuff you’re just like, I don’t know, this is not . Well, um, I don’t

[00:19:52] Jesse Lin: think that’s invalid though. Like if you ever watch the movie Contact with Jodi Foster, she ends up on like, I don’t know, she’s like in fucking Mars or something, and the aliens come to her, you know, they always come to you in the form of something that, you know, so it’s familiar.

It feels safe, you understand. But in reality, they’re like, we’re talking to you like in weirdo way. You know, like the reality of it is probably very different from your right. But I’m just curious to know how your, your soul and your mind interpreted that experience. Visual,

[00:20:22] Angela Lin: yeah. Yeah. Yep. Well, so visually versus not is a great question because similar to the past life regression, I think everyone experiences it slightly differently, and it is similar to psychedelics in that everyone experiences it differently.

There are too, . So it could be visual, it could just be knowing like you just like know these things are happening or these facts are suddenly in your brain. Um, mine was a little bit of both, so I had like a little bit of visuals, but it was like very faint, I’d say even less clear than like a dreams visuals would be.

Um, but, and then supported with like knowing of stuff. Um, so for me it was. , there were these set of doors, like big doors, and then I walked in and I was in almost like kind of. Stadium of sort, but like, um, more like if you can imagine more like the ancient Greek, like if there was like a council of old people who are like the, uh, the elders of the community sitting above high, above this like circular stadium and you are like in the middle.

Okay. Um, looking up to them. So that was kind of like, the visual I got of like the space. And then, um, it was interesting because my therapist hypnotherapist was asking like, how many elders. Do you see? Or can you sense? And I was like, I have a feeling that there’s like five, five or six, but I can only see like three at a time.

It was almost like there was like a spotlight on three, but I knew there were more. And she was like, yeah, this is what’s called like presenting of like they only three are presenting themselves. And she was like, that’s actually very common for everyone in the soul world of like. Even like, not the elders once they’re, cuz you also have your soul group, like your uh, peers that you kind of like reincarnate with.

She was like, even they like you. Not all of them present themselves at the same time. But anyway, so she was like, okay, so it sounds like three are presenting themselves to you at a time. I was like, yes. Um, and then it kind of like funneled. Then it was like only one at a time of like whoever wanted the attention at the time.

um, . And it was interesting in terms of like visuals because they were all like quite different. Um, the first one was very unexpected because I was like, this had nothing to do with like anything I prepared to talk about here. But, um, and this is getting 1000 x woo now, so you better. Cut out bitch if you’re not interested.

Um, he appeared to me very like aquatic, almost like an aquatic hybrid between like a creature and a man and had like, um, like a crown. But it was almost like webbed. , like webbed fingers would look, not fingers, but like, you know, the webs between Yeah. Would create that kind of shape as the crown. And he was like blue-ish.

Um, and that’s how he appeared to me. And he told me, or I don’t think he spoke, I just like knew it. It was like, because a lot of it is telepathic as. How, at least in the book they describe how you like actually exchange conversations in the soul world is largely telepathic. You don’t actually like open a mouth or whatever, but he was like, I’m appearing to you this way to remind you that you have incarnated previously on like water, water-based worlds and you were like a water-based creature in several lives.

Regarding your fear of water in your current life, I want you to remember some of those memories now so that you can bring back that courage and the like feelings of freedom and happiness associated with water into this current life since you still are pretty blocked by that fear currently. . So that was like a huge surprise cuz like, what?

Like, this is not what I would’ve expected. Like the first thing we talked about. And it was not my list of things I wanted to go through at all. Um, but it was pretty sweet. It was like, then I, she was like, okay, let’s, like, is he, let’s have him show you some like, memories, um, so that you can kind of like bask in them.

And I was like, all right. And then, yeah, it was like me sumin as like, kind of like a mermaid thing, but. Not definitely didn’t look like little Mermaid type mermaid. It was like more like a creature type thing. But anyways, like, like speed swimming through like oceans and there’s like coral based city structures, both like under and above water.

And yeah, it was free. Dope .

[00:25:21] Jesse Lin: That does sound pretty dope. It sounds like your own version of um, James Cameron’s avatar, but with Murphy people.

[00:25:26] Angela Lin: Murphy people, yeah. Yeah, totally. Yeah. Um, and then the second guy, second elder, didn’t say anything to me, but he presented himself as he looked like this huge muscular.

God, like, he was like a mix between King Triton from Little Mermaid and like Zeus. Um, and it was funny because my, my hypnotherapist was like, okay, so is he going to ask, answer some of your questions? Because the last guy didn’t really answer any of your questions. He just like showed you this other thing.

And I was like, okay, let me ask. I was trying to ask him like, are you gonna answer? And I was getting nothing, and I was like, I’m just getting the sense that he just wants to like be here and wants me to know that he’s like protecting me and that I’m safe. But no, he’s not gonna answer questions. I was like, okay.

She’s like, all right, let’s move on. We gotta find someone to like answer your questions,

[00:26:25] Jesse Lin: that. I kind of makes sense. You’re a traditional, like if you think about a regular council, like a movie council, you have, you know, a few random. A protector, a semi relevant person. I’m assuming there will be more relevance coming.

[00:26:39] Angela Lin: Yeah, so I actually only had one more council elder who showed themselves to me, but she answered all of my questions. So it was a female presenting. So that’s something really interesting is in the soul world, there is this idea of like fluidity with gender. So, Um, the like thesis in the book at least is that, um, we’re all like slightly gender fluid because in incarnations you don’t always incarnate as the same gender.

Like you choose to like swap now and then, but usually there’s a. Pattern of like on average, one soul might incarnate more often as one gender than the other. Um, so then similarly in the soul world, there is this idea of like, everything is slightly fluid in terms of the gender they wanna present themselves as.

Um, when you encounter them the like way they wanna visually present themselves to you because like, I saw this guy as Zeus, right? But like another person might see him. some, an octopus, I don’t know, like whatever he feels like at the time. Right. And so, um, it was interesting because I like a lot of the interactions.

I was kinda like, oh, I’m getting like a masculine vibe here. I’m getting a feminine vibe anyway, so. The third, um, elder was a feminine presenting entity. Um, and I was getting like goddess, like beautiful goddess feels. Um, and her name was Aphrodite, at least how she presented to me. And yeah, she answered all my questions.

[00:28:18] Jesse Lin: Was she the goddess of love?

[00:28:21] Angela Lin: Um, I think so. Right. I was very accused because I’m

[00:28:24] Jesse Lin: asking like Aphrodite is traditionally the, the name of the goddess.

[00:28:28] Angela Lin: Yeah, I think so. I was very confused because my, um, my hypnotherapist was like Venus. I was like, uh, Aphrodite. It’s just like, no, it’s the same one. It’s just a different name.

I was

[00:28:38] Jesse Lin: like, oh, okay. . I think like in, in traditional mythology, either the Greek or the Romans use Venus and the other use Aphrodite, but it was more or less the same like goddess of love, fertility. That sense of,

[00:28:52] Angela Lin: yeah, I think probably because she was presenting us this like very feminine like god goddess, like powerful female entity.

I feel like Aphrodite is like a very emblematic of like all that, you know, female power stuff. So probably does she

[00:29:09] Jesse Lin: answer a lot of love relationship related? Or did, did you even have any? Sorry.

[00:29:14] Angela Lin: Um, not really. I was, no, she just answered all my, like actual questions, like my list of questions. It was just like, it, it’s not necessarily the same for every person of like who decides to answer what, and just in this case, you.

Was the only person who was answering any of my questions ,

[00:29:34] Jesse Lin: as long as the questions were answered. , are you comfortable sharing like your top takeaway from the question, the q and a or or whatever, whichever one you feel comfortable sharing

[00:29:45] Angela Lin: with the listeners? Yeah, I can share a few, a few things that stood out.

So one thing that I wanted to get a sense. , and it’s a common question that people wanna know is like, how mature is your soul? And like, what color? Is your aura, your soul aura, which is because based on Michael Newtons studies, like essentially it’s a spectrum from like white is like newbie or like not very mature, just like if a brand new soul would be pure white.

And then the like most advanced souls are like deep violet. So like along that spectrum is kind of the maturity. Um, and for me, I think. It was really interesting because I think I’ve always had this feeling of being like second best at things in life and being like, okay with being like good, but not like the best at things.

And so that’s kind of like my mentality with most things. So then when I first. Read his book and I asked myself the question of like, I wonder what like maturity my soul is at. I was kind of like just being really humble, right? I was like, I am gonna say I’m probably on the like immature end, like white.

Maybe I’m like slightly graduating into yellow. You know, like, because I, especially recently, recently, right in the past, like several years with all the. psychedelic journeys and like self-growth things I’ve been doing. So I was like, I feel like to even care about these things, I’d have to be a little bit more than white color because most people are not, like, don’t care enough about improving themselves to like dedicate to self-growth and like becoming a better person sadly.

Um, and so I was like, whatever. I’m probably more like white, yellow. . And so that was one of my big surprises is that I’m actually a more mature soul than I thought. So I saw myself as, um, yellow with a ring of blue. So, which means I’m like slightly graduating into like, because Blue and Violet are like the most mature states, so it’s like I, I’m veering into that with this like ring.

Um, so that. Really felt really good , I would say to hear that because I was like, oh, I, okay, I, I’ve done more things than I like thought I did. And also because then related to that, this like overarching theme that came up throughout a lot of the conversation was like me kind of underestimating myself or like not giving myself enough credit or like enough self-love or attention and kind of like.

overextending my energy for others a lot, um, or like pretty frequently is a pattern. So it was just kind of nice to like have that be recognized of like, oh, okay, so I’m not just like making this up. I am like, I mean, compared to like your average soul or person or whatever, I do veer a little bit more this way.

Um, so that was definitely one of my like biggest takeaways.

[00:32:59] Jesse Lin: Nice. So remind me again when you’re like a fully mature. , do you still go through this reincarnation process or are you like more or less complete

[00:33:10] Angela Lin: in a sense based on his book? There are a couple theories. So like, um, I think a lot of the underlying theme is like, much like human existence.

Um, a lot is your choice. Like there’s still like free freedom of decision making in your soul state as well. So he mentioned like when you’re advanced, you could. You could keep incarnating because there are, um, people or figures historically, right? That you’re like, you have got to be like a God on earth essentially.

Right? Like Mother Teresa or like Jesus was the real person. You’re like these types of people who like, and Buddhas, all the Buddhas were like real people. Um, and so. If you, you could keep incarnating, even though you’ve kind of learned all the lessons, but you are then there to kind of like serve other people, essentially to help other people.

Or you can stop incarnating and then you’re only in the soul world. And then there are like other things you could be doing because. Uh, I think I talked about guides like our, our soul guides. Um, so that’s a big path that a lot of advanced souls take is then you are not the one who’s like learning these lessons.

You are now teaching or like guiding, um, other souls through their lessons. So then you could become a guide. Um, and then eventually, I assume like council of elders. But that would be like really far because that’s essentially like second to whatever this God-like, you know, one oneness is with the ultimate goal, um, full woo, right?

So of like theoretically once everyone’s done incarnating forever and learning everything, you just kind of like coalesce with this oneness and you. , you are part of the one. Well, I mean,

[00:34:54] Jesse Lin: like, that’s very, well, I don’t, uh uh, you know, that’s very much like the ending of the good place, right? They’re all in heaven and eventually they’re just like, you know, I’m just ready to, just dissipate into nothing.

I’m good.

[00:35:07] Angela Lin: Yeah. There’s a lot. It’s really interesting once you kind of like, um, ponder over all these very different, like spiritual and religious, Backed, like religious backed, um, theories about what happens when you die, right? Because the good place one is um, is kind of a mix of like they brought in some Buddhist mentality into that.

And then also that was just also the idea of like becoming, going back to being stardust, right? Which is like a scientifically. backed theory of like, that’s where we all came from initially. Right. Um, but then like, and I’m no Christian so I, someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but like in theory, right when you go back to he, when you go to heaven, the main reason is that you can reunite with God and you can like become.

I don’t know if it’s become one with God, but like basically like go back to God, right? Like that’s go back to being with God. Um, and so when I first read in the book about this, like the ultimate state being like, you then like go back to being part of the oneness. I was like, oh, I could see this. Like translating into what Heaven and the parallel and all that.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[00:36:22] Jesse Lin: So what does it feel like to know that you’re. Let’s say close

[00:36:28] Angela Lin: to that stage. Oh, I’m not close. It’s pretty far. It’s pretty far. Still . Well, you’re like

[00:36:33] Jesse Lin: two colors away, right? Yeah,

[00:36:35] Angela Lin: but I’d, I think those last two colors are like thousands of lives still. You know what I mean? But it, it feels good to know.

I’m not like, so in the beginnings of everything, um, mostly because it means that, am learning, and I’m not just like repeating my mistakes over and over again because every life is distinct. Right. But like I can, a, I assume that like the way that I behave in this life must have some parallel with how I’ve behaved in like, all my other past lives and what my soul is like in, in, its like eternal state.

And so for me right now, like I’m not perfect. None of us are perfect, but I can see where like, and slowly making improvements in things and like, it’s not easy, but I can like recognize where I’m not repeating the same mistakes that I’ve made before. And so it’s nice to get that recognition that like, that must be more like a broader theme, not just in this life.

You know?

[00:37:36] Jesse Lin: I think that’s so interesting and that’s probably like maybe where it deviates a little bit from the idea of tradit traditional Christianity, if you will, because, uh, I feel like what you’re expressing is something that. You’re comforted by this knowledge and this knowledge is knowing that you’ve progressed as a person, like learn things and that’s not necessarily good or bad, right?

Versus compared to like a traditional religion. I feel like a lot of it is fear driven, like you don’t believe you go to the bad place. You do believe you go to the good place, but there’s not really a lot of emphasis on like, what did you learn in your life? It’s just kind of. Finding redemption in believing in that there is a higher power as opposed to your own personal progress.

That’s, I think that’s a really interesting dichotomy. But I wanna ask like, what do you feel like as technically immortal in, in your mortal self pondering about your immortal self? Like that must be kind of like a, and a lot of people think about that. Like you think about your soul, you think about alife, but having an.

Like that is quite different from just like theoretically thinking about it. Right. So how does that make you feel? Like, do you feel really great about it or you’re very proud of it? You’re anxious Because I’ve definitely had at least like one night, like maybe when I was like 22 or something and I was like, oh my God, I’m, I only have like 50 years left and I freaked out.

I could not sleep. I’m not kidding you. I was like, I only have 50 years left. Like I couldn’t go to sleep.

[00:39:09] Angela Lin: I hope you are not only projecting 50 years from 22, man, longevity has improved quite a bit since then. Uh, well, I’m wishing for many more decades past that for you. But, um, no, I feel, I feel great. I mean, it’s, it’s weird.

It’s hard to describe right, if you’ve never done it. But, uh, again, I would say the closest proximity is any psychedelic journey. So if anyone has ever done one of those, especially. Therapy purposes, um, they’re just, You know, even when you’ve discussed using M D M A for party settings, right? That feeling of love that you feel is so deep and so true that it almost is hard to like recapture that exact feeling in your like non.

Drugged up state. Right. I would say it’s similar to that in terms of like the feelings that you feel, um, when you’re in this like soul state and, and in psychedelic states. Right. For like other emotions because. . One of the things they wanted to impart on me after I’ve like asked all my questions and they were like, she was like, is there anything else you wanna ask them or anything else they wanna say to you?

And I was like, no. But they are just sending this energy towards me of like making sure I know that they’re proud of me. And that like, that feeling of like them being proud of me was just this. The deepest feeling of acknowledgement and like being seen and, and it was really interesting because one of the things I did, I didn’t like write it down in my questions, but I like knew coming in was probably gonna come up is something we’ve talked about a lot.

I care a lot about what people think, right? And like it’s something I keep struggling with, especially with more of our stuff being super social media based and like everyone on the internet getting to say whatever they want. Me and us, right? And so when they were sending those feelings of like, we are proud of you, it was.

I knew in that moment that this is the feeling I’m actually chasing for when I am seeking the approval of other people. But I will never achieve this same feeling from those outside external forces because, All of that that I’m seeking of like people being, you know, impressed with our content or like back when I was in corporate, like, um, being seen so much that I get promoted or like whatever.

Right? All those things are superficial because it’s based on things I do as opposed to who I am and the, the feeling of like being proud of me, they wanted it to be clear that it was like they are just proud of who I am. as a like person, as a soul, and that is the most important thing that like, that has so much value.

So it, yeah, the, and that feeling, I cannot, like, even when I try to think about it now, I’m like, I remember it feeling so good, but I, like, I could not possibly recreate that feeling in my like head or my heart right now. Hmm.

[00:42:17] Jesse Lin: Wow. That is super interesting. Ugh. I want to feel.

[00:42:24] Angela Lin: Well, well, you couldn’t,

[00:42:25] Jesse Lin: well, um, would we like to move on to the Fortune cookie clothes?

All right. Well, listeners, we’re going to shift on over to the Fortune cookie clothes because we always like to end on a sweet treat. And I think in the same vein as learning and self-improvement, is there something that you’re gonna take from this session and apply to you your real life? It could be the feeling that you’re talking about.

It could be something. Specific strategic, like pinpoint thing you learned. I’m just, I’m just interested in, in learning like what you took from that session that you might want to apply to how you go about your daily life now.

[00:43:03] Angela Lin: Um, I think two things. One is, um, so I mentioned that they kind of reemphasized over and over that I like, don’t give myself enough or I overextend a lot.

So I think a l a big one is, Trying to be more mindful when I feel like, oh, I don’t really need to do this for me. Or like, oh, that seems excessive for you to like do that for, and now I’m just kinda like, do it bitch. Just do it like you deserve it. And so, yeah, I’m trying to take a little bit more of that with me.

Um, and related to that, because I kind of brought in like I feel lazy sometimes when I am not being. Traditionally productive, right? So like for example, we just took two months off from the podcast, and even though I was still making tos and stuff to like keep our shit going, it’s not the same as when our shit is live.

Because when it’s live, I’m like, I’m edit, we’re recording, I’m editing, I’m cutting the tos, I’m like doing all the shit, and I, I can like work for like eight hours a day if I wanted to. And when we’re off, I’m like, I’m watching so much Netflix and just like Laz about, and I felt really bad about that. And so a guidance piece that they kind of gave me too was like, don’t feel bad about like taking, you know, not being like productive in the way that you think, but you should re like direct a lot of that netflixing time towards more like active activities of, even if it’s meditation, which is not like active Active, right.

But like, Meditation exercise. And they reminded me of like, you know, there’s a reason why you were such a crazy like CrossFit person and like boxing and all that stuff is because you get energized from those kinds of activities. So like, not to say you need to repeat those specific things, but like exercise, um, as opposed to just like sitting on the couch part will give you more energy and still be a way to.

Give to yourself, um, more so than the way you’re currently doing it now, so,

[00:45:08] Jesse Lin: awesome. Well, that sounds great. I mean, you, you got a great feeling out of it and you got very tangible like to-dos out of it. So I think all in all good, good use of three hours.

[00:45:21] Angela Lin: Yes. Two and a half. Oh. Um, cuz I’m very productive as I was in the past life.

One, I was, I ended early and you were in my soul group as I always knew you were going to be cuz I kind of saw you in the past

[00:45:32] Jesse Lin: life. And the last one. Oh damn. I was gonna be like, was I the really Musclely guy? I

[00:45:38] Angela Lin: was like, no, you’re not a council member. No, sorry, because we didn’t talk about it, but after the council, then we moved to my soul group.

So the, the peers that are

[00:45:47] Jesse Lin: also like, oh, I was gonna ask if I was, I wasn’t asked if I was in that. Yay. I

[00:45:51] Angela Lin: was, you were there. Oh my God. My leg is cramping. I’m sorry. Oh, . Well,

[00:45:57] Jesse Lin: um, listener, oh well, Angela, thank you for sharing your life between lives Regression journey with us. Listeners, if you have any questions for Angela, if you’ve partaken in this kind of regression, hypnotherapy before, please, we’d love to hear from you.

Feel free to email us at, tell us where you’re from, or reach out to us on Instagram or.

[00:46:21] Angela Lin: Okay. Or YouTube, because YouTube, you post that here or you’re probably already watching it here. And actually, sorry, I am gonna shift this because I think realistically y’all don’t email us. So yeah, just um, drop us a comment unless you have like a legit story you wanna share and maybe you want us to read or whatever, then email us.

But otherwise just drop comments in wherever you’re watching this now, and we read all of those and we respond. So let us know.