Exploring what it means to be Asian-American

Join us as we discuss everything from media representation to food culture and how our identity influences it all.

"The Happiness Curve" is a concept that postulates that on average, a person's happiness acts as a U-shaped curve where you are happiest in your youth, happiness starts to decline in your 30s/40s, and picks back up as you get into your 50s and beyond. In this episode, we discuss what we think about this phenomenon. Full disclosure, we did get the decades slightly wrong lol, but we generally discuss why we think it could be that people get happier as they get older due to things like changing perspectives on *what* brings them happiness. We also ponder whether this study will continue to reflect the average person as we shift into different generational cohorts who hold very different values (i.e., millennials not necessarily wanting to wait until retirement to "enjoy" life). What do you think about The Happiness Curve? Do you think you're happier now than you were when you were younger? Is it about perception of happiness or something else? Let us know in the comments below! ——- Use promo code "whereareyoufrom10" for 10% off the Real You Mandarin online course co-founded by Angela, designed specifically for ABCs & ABTs. Preview a free lesson and check out the full syllabus at ⁠⁠⁠⁠www.realyoumandarin.com⁠⁠⁠⁠ ——- Follow us on Instagram at @whereareyoufrompod and on TikTok at @butwhereareyoureallyfrom
  1. 167. The Happiness Curve
  2. 166. Should Video Games Represent Us?
  3. 165. Hindsight is 20/30
  4. 164. Bilingual Parenting ft. Sunny Horstmann
  5. 163. Food As A Way Into Taiwanese Culture ft. Lisa Cheng Smith (Yun Hai)